Support Blue
#SupportBlue’s mission is simple: to recognize and show support for the men and women in law enforcement who put their lives on the line for us each and every day to make our communities better and safer places to live.
The First Responders Foundation #SupportBlue campaign has grown into a social media movement. Since its launch in early 2015 it has received national attention and has inspired other grassroots efforts aimed at supporting police. The campaign works to publicly recognize and support officers and lead by example how to accomplish positive community-police relations.
Letting these brave and dedicated first responders know that people care and appreciate them makes a huge difference. They have a tough job, day in and day out, yet they continue to serve and protect. A simple “thank you” helps keep morale strong.
Get Involved

Take a selfie with #SupportBlue and share it on your social networks! You can download and print a poster here».

Follow our foundation on social media and voice your appreciation. Connect with the official #SupportBlue Facebook page.

Use hashtag #SupportBlue to tag your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram posts and photos.

Become a member of the Boosters

As a social impact organization with a small staff, we rely on volunteers to keep the wheels of our events/programs moving forward. If you’re looking for an impactful way to give back to first responders in your community, the First Responders Foundation is looking for you!
Become a Volunteer

Wear a #SupportBlue T-shirt
Support Kerrie’s Causes
Learn more about fallen Omaha, NE officer Kerrie Orozco and help her legacy of humanitarianism live on by ensuring the longevity of the causes closest to her heart.

Community Support for the Movement

Donate to #SupportBlue
To join the movement and show that you #SupportBlue, please consider making a donation to help fund the campaign’s efforts and spread its positive message.