Registration for Upcoming Workshops, Classes, and Support Groups
Presented by FRST – First Responders Support Team
More details and location to follow once registration is verified.
Questions can be directed to: or
Stronger Together
Upcoming dates: July 24th
September 11th (link to register)
December 4th (link to register)
STRONGER TOGETHER is a proactive resiliency prep session specifically for first responders and and one other important, support person in your life -a spouse, a close friend or a relative (18 years or older), a significant other or a life partner. Together you learn how traumatic/critical incidences affect yourself, your families & your loved ones. Each of you will learn how these experiences can have a permanent, lasting effect upon individuals.
Spouse Workshop
Upcoming dates: July 26th
Spouse Sessions provide an opportunity to address challenges that may arise in a First Responder family. This session is for any spouse, partner or significant other of a First Responder. This is a group session in a safe environment. This is a great way to build your support network by meeting other First Responder spouses/significant others/partners. Share & learn about ways to better care for yourself & to enhance your life with your first responder.
With Honor
Upcoming dates: July 6th
October 5th 6-8 pm (linked to register)
In-person and Zoom option available.
When a first responder’s career comes to an end the residual effects of the work do not fade away easily. This workshop will include adjusting to a new identity in career/life. Whether you already retired or are planning to in the near future, this two-hour (2) workshop helps provide knowledge and skills to first responders to prepare, adjust and grow when their career ends, and to do so With Honor.
Peer Support Training
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Upcoming dates: July 24th
September 11th (link to register)
December 4th (link to register)
STRONGER TOGETHER is a proactive resiliency prep session specifically for First Responders. This training helps First Responders plan for the next “bad one,” enabling them to recover faster, stronger & healthier. The prep will help mitigate the long term negative effects traumatic/critical events can have upon life, families & careers. Be proactive by being prepared & train for what is to come!
This four (4) hour training involves you- the First Responder – & one other important, support person in your life -a spouse, a close friend or a relative (18 years or older), a significant other or a life partner. Together you learn how traumatic/critical incidences affect yourself, your families & your loved ones. Each of you will learn how these experiences can have a permanent, lasting effect upon individuals. By the end of this session, each person will learn how to build resiliency & recover well from traumatic events by working–Stronger Together.
In doing this-together-individuals extend careers, marriages, relationships & their lives.