Our JAVELAN Team recently visited the Beemer American Legion where they received a very generous donation of $10,000. Reporter Ashley Gaughan of the West Point News wrote the following article and with permission, we are sharing her story.
JAVELAN Service Dogs Give Veterans & Retired First Responders A New Outlook On Life.
Many veterans and first responders will testify that their JAVELAN service dog has significantly changed their life for the better. JAVELAN is a program of the non-profit First Responders Foundation based in Omaha. The acronym stands for “Jack Assisting Veterans Enjoy Life AgaiN.” Jack was the first service dog in the program when it started six years ago.
JAVELAN Director Mike Kraus, cofounder Bob Dean, and his service dog, Duke, visited the Beemer American Legion in February to share the countless ways the JAVELAN program can benefit veterans and retired first responders. Whether mobility disabilities such as paralysis, MS, stroke, amputations, being diagnosed with PTSD, TBI, or physical disability, or requiring a diabetic or seizure alert dog, a JAVELAN dog can help provide services regarding any of these conditions.
Sharing His Story
Shane was one veteran who shared his story about his JAVELAN dog, MAT, through a video testimonial provided at the Beemer American Legion presentation. Shane worked in the Justice Department for 28 years and during his career he had been shot three times—the final time being the most harmful.
To help him overcome PTSD, Shane was connected with JAVELAN and was set up for the training program. Shane and his daughter awaited eagerly to receive MAT, Shane’s new service dog. However, during that time, Shane’s daughter was tragically killed.
When Shane did receive MAT, his service dog was able to help him not only address his needs regarding PTSD but also helped comfort him in the midst of losing his daughter.
Shane shared how MAT can sense when he has anxiety or isn’t sleeping, and is a constant companion and a comfort to him. “I cannot say where I’d be today without MAT in my life,” Shane said.
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